What We Ask Of You
As a Reading Coach, we ask that you commit to respect your students by:
- Being on time and being respectful.
- Getting to know them and embracing their uniqueness.
- Creating a warm, nurturing and safe environment.
- Actively listening and engaging in conversation.
- Providing support and encouragement as they read.
- Being firm and positive, recognizing and encouraging good behavior and achievement.
- Enabling them to learn and further develop their reading skills.
We also ask that you:
- Commit to serving a minimum of one school year in the program.
- Follow all established policies and procedures of Oklahoma City Public Schools and the operation of each school as identified by the school principal.
- Only meet with your students during the scheduled time at the school site. Activities with students outside the Reading Explorers program are strongly discouraged. Before pursuing such opportunities, please speak with Don Peslis, Director of Community Relations at SandRidge Energy.
- Develop a relationship with your students! You get to spend one hour each week with them - be a dependable friend and role model.
- Notify, in advance, dpeslis@sandridgeenergy.com, if you can’t make it.